- Species Common Name Greater Sage-Grouse
- Species Scientific Name Centrocercus urophasianus
- Federal Listing Status Species of Concern
- State Listing Status Sensitive
Blue Mountains
Located in NE Oregon, the Blue Mountains ecoregion is the largest ecoregion in the state. It provides a diverse complex of mountain ranges, valleys, and plateaus that extend beyond Oregon into the states of Idaho and Washington.
Northern Basin and Range
The Northern Basin and Range ecoregion covers the very large southeastern portion of the state, from Burns south to the Nevada border and from the Christmas Valley east to Idaho. It is largely a high elevation desert-like area dominated by sagebrush communities and habitats.
Special needs
Greater Sage-Grouse require expansive sagebrush habitat that encompasses a mosaic of conditions. They use wet meadows and playas during brood-rearing, especially areas with native forbs.
Limiting factors
Greater Sage-Grouse have experienced declines and local extirpations in Oregon. Habitat loss and fragmentation, juniper expansion into sagebrush, and impacts of increased fire frequency and intensity on sagebrush due to invasive annual plants have contributed to declines. This species is dependent upon adequate sagebrush habitat, including suitable lek sites, for successful breeding and year-round survival. Greater Sage-Grouse are sensitive to human disturbance at leks.
Data gaps
See the detailed presentation in the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Conservation Strategy for Oregon (Hagen 2011).
Conservation actions
See the detailed presentation in the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Conservation Strategy for Oregon (Hagen 2011).
Key reference or plan
ODFW Wildlife: Greater Sage-Grouse BLM: Sagebrush Ecosystem Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership (SageCON).