Howell's spectacular thelypody occurs in low-elevation (3000-3500 feet) river valleys and moist, alkaline plains. This species is often found at the intersection of black greasewood and riparian habitat. Howell's spectacular thelypody may be dependent on seasonal flooding.
Limiting factors
This narrowly-distributed species is endemic to the Baker-Powder drainage. Much of this species' habitat has been converted to agricultural uses. Competition from invasive plants, changes in hydrology, grazing pressure, and mowing during the growing season have also adversely affected Howell's spectacular thelypody.
Data gaps
Clarify taxonomic relationships. Develop seed germination and propagation protocols. Develop seed generation methods. Improve understanding of life history, growth requirements, and general ecology.
Conservation actions
Locate protected sites in potential habitat. Create new populations. Minimize grazing and mowing during the growing season at priority locations. Control key invasive plants. Continue voluntary cooperative efforts with private landowners. Collect and store seeds.