Flammulated Owl

Photo Credit: Kathy Munsel, ODFW


  • Species Common Name Flammulated Owl
  • Species Scientific Name Psiloscops flammeolus
  • State Listing Status Sensitive


Special needs

Flammulated Owls inhabit mid-elevation forests (3,880-4,600 feet) with no understory. They typically use small, dense thickets for roosting and open patches of grassland/meadow for foraging on insects. Nest sites consist of medium to large snags or deformed trees with existing woodpecker holes/cavities.

Limiting factors

Flammulated Owls have low reproductive rates. Habitat degradation by encroaching trees and shrubs (often as a result of fire suppression), loss of ponderosa pine trees and snags, and limited snag and cavity availability can adversely affect this species. Insect control may also reduce owl prey base.

Conservation actions

Promote management practices that enhance mature forest conditions, including snag retention. Minimize insect control around forest openings near nesting areas. Use and monitor nest boxes in areas deficient in snags and natural cavities.

Key reference or plan

Conservation Strategy for Landbirds of the East-Slope of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington