Streaked Horned Lark

Streaked Horned Lark
Photo Credit: David Maloney, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


  • Species Common Name Streaked Horned Lark
  • Species Scientific Name Eremophila alpestris strigata
  • Federal Listing Status Threatened
  • State Listing Status Sensitive


Special needs

Streaked Horned Larks use open, treeless expanses of bare ground or sparsely-vegetated grassland for nesting and foraging.

Limiting factors

Streaked Horned Larks have large area requirements. Loss and degradation of grassland habitat are key limiting factors. Nesting failure due to agricultural practices (e.g., mowing, haying, spraying) and predation at nest sites contributes to low reproductive success. Rodenticides (zinc phosphide) can also cause mortality.

Conservation actions

Manage habitat by maintaining or restoring large, sparsely-vegetated grasslands, creating protected nesting areas, increasing plant diversity to promote greater insect diversity, and controlling key non-native plants. Designate areas to be managed for core population centers. Minimize disturbance during the breeding and fledging period (mid-April through mid-August). Improving nesting habitat away from active runways may reduce collisions and improve adult survival, if enough suitable habitat exists away from the runway.

Key reference or plan

The Willamette Valley Landowner's Guide to Creating Habitat for Grassland Birds