- Species Common Name Pumice Grape-fern
- Species Scientific Name Botrychium pumicola
- State Listing Status Threatened
Special needs
Pumice grape-fern is an alpine and montane species found on loose volcanic (pumice) soils. It is typically associated with alpine scree, lodgepole pine, or antelope bitterbrush frost-pockets. This species often occurs on open, flat, high-elevation ridgetops and gently-rolling slopes. Pumice grape-fern emerges in years when conditions are sufficiently moist.
Limiting factors
Small size makes this species vulnerable to trampling. Pumice grape-fern is adversely affected by fire suppression (closing canopies) and timber harvest that compacts soil. Facilities, roads, or trails can eliminate suitable habitat.
Data gaps
Identify protected populations (work in-progress by an interdisciplinary scientific team). Investigate whether the Newberry pumice plume represents a special habitat type for pumice grape-fern. Note the uncertainty of annual surveys for this species because of unpredictable emergence patterns.
Conservation actions
Avoid disturbing ground at known sites of occurrence, unless activities are specifically designed to maintain or enhance pumice grape-fern.