Millicoma Dace

Photo Credit: Doug Markle, Oregon State University


  • Species Common Name Millicoma Dace
  • Species Scientific Name Rhinichthys cataractae ssp
  • Federal Listing Status Species of Concern
  • State Listing Status Sensitive


Special needs

Cool, swift streams. Cobbles and gravel for rearing and spawning.

Limiting factors

Lack of cobble or gravel habitat. Limited distribution. Altered flow regimes (because of culverts, channelization). Altered sediment regimes, including changes in timing of input and ratio of particle size.

Conservation actions

Create and maintain gravel habitat. Maintain or restore flow and sediment regimes to improve habitat quality. Maintain or improve riparian conditions, including habitat for beavers.

Key reference or plan

Sheerer, P., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2014. Distribution and Abundance of Millicoma Dace in the Coos Basin, Oregon. ODFW Progress Report.