Lost River Sucker

Lost River Sucker
Photo Credit: USGS


  • Species Common Name Lost River Sucker
  • Species Scientific Name Deltistes luxatus
  • Federal Listing Status Endangered
  • State Listing Status Endangered


Special needs

Spawn in rivers, streams, or springs associated with lake habitat. After hatching, migrate to lakes. Need shoreline river and lake habitat with vegetative structure during larval and juvenile rearing.

Limiting factors

High mortality of larvae and juveniles due to reduced rearing habitat, entrainment in water management structures, poor water quality, and negative interactions with introduced species. Adult populations are limited by negligible recruitment into the population, as well as high levels of stress and mortality associated with severely impaired water quality. As a whole, the species is potentially limited by the lack of habitat connectivity.

Conservation actions

Restore or enhance spawning and nursery habitat. Reduce negative impacts of poor water quality where necessary. Clarify and reduce the effects of introduced species on all life stages by conducting and applying scientific investigations. Reduce the loss of individuals to entrainment. Establish a redundancy and resiliency enhancement program. Increase juvenile survival and recruitment to spawning populations. Maintain and increase the number of recurring, successful spawning populations.

Key reference or plan

Revised Recovery Plan for the Lost River Sucker and Shortnose Sucker (Deltistes luxatus and Chasmistes brevirostris)