- Species Common Name Columbian White-tailed Deer
- Species Scientific Name Odocoileus virginianus leucurus
- Federal Listing Status Endangered (Lower Columbia River population)
- State Listing Status Sensitive

Coast Range
Oregon’s Coast Range, known for its dramatic scenery, is extremely diverse, with habitats ranging from open sandy dunes to lush forests and from tidepools to headwater streams. It follows the coastline and extends east through coastal forest to the border of the Willamette Valley and Klamath Mountains ecoregions

Willamette Valley
The Willamette Valley ecoregion is bounded on the west by the Coast Range and on the east by the Cascade Range. This long mostly level alluvial plain has some scattered areas of low basalt, and contrasts with productive farmland and large urban areas. It has the fastest-growing human population in the state resulting in challenges due to land-use changes.
Special needs
The Columbia River DPS is strongly associated with riparian habitat along the lower Columbia River. The Umpqua population is also found in riparian areas and may use lower-elevation oak woodlands as well.
Limiting factors
Though historically more abundant in the Willamette Valley, this species is being managed primarily on island refuges in Columbia River bottomlands. Fluctuations in numbers seem to be driven primarily by carrying capacity of remaining habitat in these refuges. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to agricultural and residential development and flooding impacts on island-dwelling and low-elevation mainland deer have contributed to declines of the Columbia River DPS. Disease, collisions with vehicles, and habitat loss due to development may limit the Umpqua population.
Data gaps
For the Columbia River DPS, investigate predator-prey interactions with coyotes and agricultural land use impacts on habitat. For both Columbia River and Umpqua populations, investigate susceptibility to disease (e.g., deer hair loss).
Conservation actions
For the Columbia River DPS, continue to implement conservation actions identified in the Columbian white-tailed deer recovery plan. For the Umpqua population, continue to monitor population status, manage habitat at North Bank Habitat Management Area, and evaluate translocation issues and priorities.