Bradshaw's desert parsley is found in wet prairies with shallow, poorly-drained clay soils, often near creek or small river banks.
Limiting factors
The primary threats to Bradshaw's desert parsley include habitat loss, habitat degradation due to fire suppression, and competition from invasive plants. Overspray of herbicides may negatively impact this species.
Data gaps
Conduct studies of reproductive biology and seed bank formation. This species may benefit from light grazing, which reduces competition from other plants; determine grazing regimes that maintain populations.
Conservation actions
Continue implementing actions in the recovery plan. Locate protected sites with suitable habitat for introduction on the east side of the Willamette Valley. Maintain or restore grass-dominated habitat. Maintain or restore hydrology. Control key invasive plants. Use mowing or prescribed fire to control brush and trees. Maintain populations in roadsides and ditches.