Bakeoven Creek-Buckhollow Creek, COA 151

Photo Credit: Shilah Olson, Wasco County SWCD

The northern boundary of this COA follows Buck Hollow Creek, with the remaining boundaries connecting to the Lower Deschutes River (COA ID 148) and Lawrence Grasslands (COA ID 152) COAs.

COA ID: 151

Local Conservation Actions and Plans

  • ODFW Fish research projects in Buckhollow and Bakeoven tributaries and to explore the relationship with the Lower Deschutes in providing fish habitat.

Potential Partners

Special Features


  • Buckhollow Creek provides important habitat for Summer Steelhead, supporting conservation efforts in the lower Deschutes River
  • Canyons of Buckhollow Creek (north of Buckhollow) provide high quality wildlife habitat
  • Provides important winter range for big game species, and habitat many sensitive wildlife species including Peregrine Falcon and Golden Eagle.
  • This area provides a well documented wildlife habitat connectivity corridor between the Deschutes and John Day Rivers.


Strategy Habitats

Specialized Local Habitats

  • Canyon shrublands

Strategy Species